If only al-Barrāq had an eye to see
the agony and distress I endure
My brothers, Kulayb, ˁUqayl
Junayd, help me weep
Woe upon you, your sister has been tortured
by disavowal morning and night
They fettered me, shackled me, and beat
my chaste [sensitive area] with a stick
5 The Persian deceives whenever he approaches me
and I’m on my last breaths of life
Fetter me, shackle me, do
whatever agony you [all] will to me
For I abhor your infringement
and the certainty of death is something to desire
O men of stature, Banū Kahlān,
do you lead us to the beast?
O Iyādīs, your hands are tied
blindness confounds Burd’s[i] view
10 O Banū al-Aˁyāṣ, are you not cutting
the cords of hope for the Banū ˁAdnān?
Be patient, stand good stead
every victory is hoped for after hardship
Laylā’s palms have become shackled
like the shackling of great kings
Collared and fettered in the open
asked to do base things
Say to the ˁAdnān, ‘You’ve been shown the way, tuck up
for retribution from the detested clan
15 Tie banners in their lands,
unsheathe your swords, and press on in the forenoon’
O Banū Taghlib, press on until victory
leave off the inertia and slumber
Beware: shame is at your heels, upon you
as long as you linger in lowliness
[i] Burd is the half-Arab half-Persian ‘middleman’ who oversees Laylā’s abduction and holds her prisoner until he can sell her on to the Persian king, called ‘Shahrmayh’ in the manuscript sources. Translation from Marlé Hammond, "‘If only al-Barrāq could see...’: Violence and voyeurism in an early modern reformulation of the pre-Islamic call to arms," in Hugh Kennedy (ed.), Warfare and Poetry in the Middle East (London: I.B. Tauris, 2013), 215-40.
A song based on the poem from a television serial